We all do it sometimes - we look at what someone else is doing and we get all worked up. They're doing it better, faster, more creatively. They're younger - or older and wiser - or cuter, more eloquent, and more talented. They don't seem to make any mistakes. They have it all together. Wow. Can you see that this is so not helpful? Check how your body feels when you get yourself in compare and despair mode. Does it feel delicious or horrible? Does it get you motivated or make you want to curl up in a ball under the covers?
Now, take a minute to focus on your own life. Your own accomplishments. Your own progress. How you look from the outside to other people. Go ahead and make a list of some of the cool stuff you're working on, that you've completed, that makes you loveable, fun, fast, talented, creative, eloquent and fabulous. Wow. You're pretty amazing!
My challenge update: I got up early for grass time, and papers are in good shape. Early grass time meant I got to see our resident turtle - I can't believe how often I see her now! She was cruising along - crossed the yard and then settled into a clump of Mexican petunias, where no one would ever know she was there. Turtles can make progress with their deliberate little steps!