money tips

10 signs you need to change your relationship with your money

Money.  It's great to have money.  It lets us do what we want to do.  And it's no fun when there's not enough. Are you feeling financially overwhelmed, even though you have a pretty steady income of some sort? 

Check out this list and see how many of these apply to you:

1. You have no idea how much money is really coming in. You hope it’s enough. That’s all you know.

2. When you receive an unexpected cash gift, you go out right away and spend it on something impulsive. After all, you deserve a treat!

3. You feel great when you have $60-$100 in your wallet, and then can’t figure out where it went a day and a half later, when all that remains are some ones and a five.  Or if you only use your debit card, you feel flush after you’ve been paid and then wonder why you can’t make your money last until the next payday.

4. You find yourself often saying or thinking, “I can’t afford that!”

5. You have some debt, but you don’t really know how much.  If you added it all up you might start to cry.

6. You go into a store for a few things and come out with five additional cool items that were such a bargain you couldn’t pass them up.

7. You have fights or disagreements about money with your significant other.

8. You feel like managing your money is too complicated and you hate math and accounting and all of that calculating stuff.

9. You feel like if you had more money, all of your problems would be solved.

10. You feel like you don’t earn as much as you’re worth, but you have trouble asking for raises or raising your rates, or being paid fairly for your time and energy.

How many of these signs are true for you?  If you agreed with more than five of these statements, you’ll love my upcoming class, The Indulgent Path to Money Management, offered locally in New Orleans beginning October 22, 2014 and hosted by Audubon Yoga Studio on Octavia Street.

We’ll use the bright, clear space of the yoga studio to inspire us to turn our attention toward our finances in a simple yet effective way.

We’ll meet on four Wednesday evenings from 7:45 -9:00 p.m.October 22, November 5, November 12, and November 19. We’ll also have a private online group for support between classes.  Class investment: $157- with a guarantee that you'll come out ahead at the end of the course by more than that!

I've hosted this course multiple times over the phone, and by popular demand I'm offering an in-person version for locals who want more face-to-face interaction.

Want to learn more about the course and hear my story? click here for waay more details.

If you’re ready to make a shift and want some accountability and inspiration while you take action to turn towards your money in a fun and indulgent way that doesn’t feel like deprivation, you’ll want to join this course!  Also, if you've been "meaning to get around to this" for ages and have been stuck financially for a while, it may be worth it to invest some time and $$ into turning things around.  Learn to undo your unhealthy money habits.  Get some expert support.  Make a change that will last.  I did this with clutter recently, and it was so worth my investment!

Email to enroll or to ask questions.  Put "money class" in the subject line.  Class size is limited and class starts soon, so if you are interested, sign up now!

Not local? I'll teach an online version in January - so make sure you're on my mailing list to be the first to know when enrollment opens!