Want to learn more about The Indulgent Path to Money Management Course? Download this free recording!
The Indulgent Path to Money Management is a simple course that will help you get straight with your money without feeling deprived and miserable.
Participants call in to this weekly, four-part group call at their choice of either 1pm CST or 6:30 pm CST. Each class is recorded and available to download afterwards. Private online group to continue the discussion. $99, with a guarantee that if you do the steps you will recoup your investment. Class dates are:
- Tuesday, March 1st
- Tuesday, March 8th
- Tuesday, March 15th
- Tuesday, March 22nd
This course is for you if you’re...
- stressed about money.
- wishing you had enough money for that special trip, house, item, or event.
- struggling with more debt that you’re comfortable with.
- finding yourself “in a fog” when you shop, either at the grocery store, online or in the mall.
- overwhelmed with the stuff you own while at the same time craving stuff you don’t have.
- tired of starting budgeting programs that you abandon after the second or third week.
- realizing that there has to be a better way that’s more peaceful and doesn’t feel like you’re being punished.
This program is not about becoming a billionaire or living like the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, although we can learn some interesting things from their lifestyles. It won’t undo years of accumulated debt overnight, but it will start you on a more sustainable path.
In the Indulgent Path to Money Management, you’ll learn
- what makes you feel rich and how to bring more of that into your life.
- where your “money leaks” are and how to stop them.
- where in your life you have enough and where you have too much, and what to do about it.
- which problems in your life can be solved with money and which ones can’t, and how to know the difference.
- a simple method to get super-clear on your finances and what’s actually going on with the flow of money in and out of your household.
- how to save money for what you actually want, while having fun doing it!
- how to create a sustainable, workable, long-term method for meeting your financial goals while enjoying a lovely life in the meantime.
If you don’t have the money you need to live your best life, it’s stifling and stressful. Creating a secure financial situation for yourself allows you to do your real work in the world, and that’s the most important reason to get clear with your money and set yourself up for financial freedom.
“The Indulgent Path helped me regain awareness about my money based on concepts I’d already begun studying. I liked the number of classes and appreciated that there were recordings for ones I couldn’t attend. I would recommend this class to anyone who wants an amazingly accessible approach to money management taught in a very engaging manner at an affordable price.”
“I was hesitant to sign up for your class. I didn’t think you could tell me anything I hadn’t already heard. But I was mistaken. I gained a great deal of insight as to where my money was actually going. And now I also view the energy I invest in my work and my play very differently– investing more of it in what I truly love doing and spending less time and energy stressed about what is truly beyond my control at my job. During the Indulgent Path Class, we went from having $5 in savings to nearly $1800. And now, though we may need to use those savings for an upcoming move, I know we can fill it back up! Before this class I struggled to understand how I could make so much and still live paycheck to paycheck. I never felt like I bought much, and truth is, I didn’t. Nothing more than my awareness has really changed and yet it seems as if there is more money floating about! Ah, and yes, there is!”
“I really liked the private group as a component and counterpoint to the live calls. The group helped me to feel more connected to everyone else and to the themes, plus everyone was so nice! I would definitely recommend this class to others. Absolutely anyone can benefit from taking the time to focus on their finances and pay more attention to every penny that comes in and goes out.”