I love drawing. I especially love drawing with super-creamy water-soluble oil pastels. They're messy and imprecise and I feel like a kid when I use them. I don't draw as much as I'd like to. But that could change anytime, and maybe putting it out here will help it change. I especially like drawing just for the sake of drawing. Sometimes I get an idea in my head of something I'd like to draw and then copy from an image online, like this woodland path:
And sometimes I access my inner sixth grader and just make quick scribbly drawings like this garden of hearts:
So, months ago when I was trying to imagine an image that I could put on a business card that embodied wild and precious, I thought of the tree with the heart in it, and then remembered I'd already drawn one, about a year before. And in my quick way of doing something without messing around with it much, I just used a photo of a scanned copy of the tree and tossed it onto a lime green business card that looks like this:
I've drawn other trees with hearts in them, all over a year ago. The hearts are always a little lopsided, and I kind of like that. Maybe I'll turn them into notecards one day soon - they make me smile; maybe they'd make someone else smile too!
There's the original one,
one with a seasons theme,
and one with the Buddha (the Bodhi tree?) I love this one.
Maybe I'll go make some more in the next day or so. I've been away from those oil pastels for too long!
Is there some creative outlet that you love, but that you don't do as much as you'd like? Do you keep yourself from doing it because you're not "good enough" or not an expert? Do you fail to allow yourself the pure joy of creativity just for the sake of doing it?
Well, today, and tomorrow and the next day, go dance, write, draw, sing, or act. Take pictures. Make something with clay or paper or metal. It doesn't have to be useful. It doesn't have to serve any other purpose but being fun to create. More of this coming soon!